"Social Values" Paragraph


Social Values

Social value refer to customs, belief, social practices and norms, behavioral patterns and attitude of a particular social community. Social value shape the life of a person to a great extent. They differ from society to society. In the past, people were very much strict about maintaining social values. Obedience and respect for the elders were predominant in our society. Honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, sympathy, fellow feeling were also considered to be social values. But all these are now changing. Today, because of scientific and technological development, people are getting educated. All these have lasting influence on their ideas, beliefs and tradition. Nowadays people have no fellow feelings, they are becoming self-centered and getting involved in anti social activities, addicted to drugs etc. because of social degradation. If it continues, worse days are ahead of us. To avoid such an incongenial situation, everybody should be careful to preserve social values.

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