"Good Health" Paragraph
Good Health
Good health is sound health. The body which is free from all kinds of diseases is considered to be healthy. One can keep in health by way of observing the rules of health, eating a balanced diet and living a disciplined life. Eating fresh food, drinking clean water and taking pure air are the basic needs for keeping healthy. But unfortunately, all the people of our country do not get the food they need for good health. While the rich and educated people of our country are conscious of the rules of health, the bulk majority of the common people are ignorant of them. They seem to have no sense of hygiene and sanitation. As a result, they suffer terribly because of their ill-health. Moreover, life has become complicated in this age of technology. And the complexities of life have an adverse effect on our health. Frozen and artificial rather than fresh and natural foods make us fall a prey to various serious ailments causing great damage to our health and happiness. I thoroughly believe in the fact that simple and carefree life is conducive to good health.
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