"Computer" Paragraph


Computer is an ultra modern electronic device for storing and analysing information fed into it. The invention of computer has a long story. It look long time and hard labour to invent computer. A computer consist of five major components. They are the input unit, output unit, the memory unit, the control unit and the arithmatic unit. The main part of computer is central processing unit, Monitor and the keyboard. Monitor works like a TV screen .The part called mouse may surprise anwar but is not a real mouse. It is called so because of its appearance. One can do different things by clicking on the icons with the mouse. A computer performs three functions. Firstly, it receives data, secondly its processes data by various computations and the third is that is emits data.  Every computer has a machine language of its own  and accordingly it works . Its made our life easy and comfortable. We cannot a single moment witout computers. It is part and parcel of our daily life. 

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